Academic SDM resource list

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A short list of academic papers and research related to the effectiveness and theory around Supported Decision Making and Guardianship.

For copywrite and legal reasons we are not able to re-produce in full the articles, but they can be found through database’s like Jstor, Ebscohost, Worldcat, and many more. Often local public Libraries will have accesses to such databases free of charge.

  • Piloting Personhood: Reflections from the First Year of a Supported Decision-Making Project: By Kristen Booth Glen – Yeshiva University
  • Direct and indirect pathways to QoL[Quality of Life] in the transition to adulthood in youth and young adults with disabilities: By Lucia Maria N. Canha, Celeste Simones, Laura Owens, Margarida Gaspar de Matos. – Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.
  • Self-Determination in People with Intellectual Disability: The Mediating Role of Opportunities: By Eva Vincnte, Cristina Mumbardo-Amam, Veronica M. Guillen, Teresa Coma-Rosello, Maria-Angele Bravo-Alvarez, Sergio Sanchez. – International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
  • The Importance of Self-Determination to the Quality of Life of People with Intellectual Disability: A Perspective: By Michael L. Wehmeyer.  – International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.




Supported Decision Making Pennsylvania (SDMPA), created through a partnership with Lehigh Valley Center for Independent Living (LVCIL) and Jewish Family Service of the Lehigh Valley (JFSLV) will serve transition age youth with disabilities and their families. While both organizations provide services and programs in the Lehigh Valley, SDMPA will allow the agencies to expand their reach and serve individuals and organizations throughout the Commonwealth.

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Turning 18: What Parents & Teachers Need to Know

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General Supported Decision Making external resources.

  Supported Decision-Making Guides  Alternatives to Guardianship Supported Decision-Making and Self Determination  ACLU SDM Resource Library (self-assessment, evaluating competence)

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